Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again

...I'm in the sky tonight, there I can keep by your side
7:30 PM
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Checkin it out

" Arrrrrrggghhh haha; brain freeze"

Honey, honey, honey, honey

Blur much?

Thinkin about thinkin

Bite the shoe before the shoe bites you or...get someone to do it for you

Hmmm, wateeeerrr

*Sings* this is awesome

*Twilight zone theme*

Hello there

"Sasha, you have something on your bum"

"I'll get it later, now go to bed!"

*Nibbling sounds*

"What!? I wasn't biting my nails!"

Shot in the dark

Thunder's new family

"I better get something outta this"

"OH, weracome to our resturaunt, take a seat....We weera attend to you ah shortry"

Looks like home

Sasha, looking even more gorgeous in a collar

...And Leo looking cool in blue

"Pway wif me?"

"Alright now open up"

"Lets see those cute wittle teeth"

...angels show up in the strangest of places
7:42 PM
Friday, October 10, 2008
Test Shots...
Baby's got blues skies up ahead
An SPCA sunrise
Tropical Christmas
How you doin...
Who that!?
And this little piggy went to the SPCA...
Staring incident
A yawn of Thunder
*Munches Food*..Want shome kibble?
Make sure to get my good side
Honey, honey, honey!
Naughty the feller
A boy and his dog
When people get bored..

...till next time
5:12 PM
Monday, October 6, 2008
Someone pinch me cause I still can't believe it...No more awesomely bad pictures...Just awesomely badass pictures...and her name is Tiffany, I don't care...

7:50 PM