I've been really enjoying my FYP cause it mainly requires me to go into the mangrove forest behind school and just muck around...I mean I do, do that on an almost daily basis (mucking around in forests and looking for trouble) but this actually gives me marks in school and to me...its just gravy, even caught a trantula the second time my team and I went...
The SPCA, I just can't get enough of that place; and although the past thursday was supposed to be my last day, the people there said I could still come and help out if I wanted...And since the lady in charge of volunteers is outta town till the 14th of April...I went to help out yesterday too, and will probably be goin on mon thru to wednesday...I don't care if theres no record...I don't need some dumb log book to justify what I'm doing, I just want to do as much as I can before school starts cause I know I'll be thinking of the place the whole time I'm in school...Gonna feel a lil worse than shit for awhile, but I'll be goin for orientation soon and I'll be on my way to being a proper volunteer soon enough...As usual, there are some new additions to the SPCA up for adoption and Hachiko got adopted which I hope I can say the same for the rest of my favourite buggers The pathetic Singaporean version of a trantula, 'oooo so "big" and scary'
New pups Reina and Terry playing, they rough-house like maniacs
Mel; damn sweet, always gets carried away rolling around and almost always rolls outta her cage
Grace, shes got an old injury(broken jaw) but shes fully recovered, theres just something very endearing about her
Terry; taking a nap, we started getting very protective about him because people kept bloody bothering him when he was asleep...Thats what I'd call 'knock-out' sleep
12:10 AM
I wish I could spend every bloody day at the SPCA, it just feels damn pleasant when I'm there...People are nice, there's a kinda of a laid back atmosphere there cause all the work is done by noon and of course ...the animals are just great...icing on the cake is when some of them recognize me when I walk in...Its like the look you get when you see an old friend only...better...Next week is my last week there I know I'm gonna feel like shite but once my orientation is done, I'll be going on weekends and hopefully on wednesdays also if I manage to finish my tedious ass final year project early...I know I'm not supposed to but I do have some favourites at the SPCA but these are mainly buggers who've taken to me rather than me just liking them better... Hachiko, she just looks like a dingo
They all love playing with my handphone strap, managed to snap this 'action' shot
Spot, I can just imagine him giving a goofy laugh
Toby, he looks like one of those middle-aged men who drink beer and watch TV all day. Toby: "Hey, wassup dude *burp*"
Leroy, the most rascaly one, you can literally see him trying to plot something...just look at those 'genius' eyes
11:45 PM
I'm resolving to put something up atleast once a week or 10 days, depending if theres anything worth talking about so..here goes
I was back at the cycle trail near my place to check for some fish and aquatic plants I might be able to use for a new aquarium I'm setting up...I realised l love rainy weather...A lot, it really started pouring half way through the trip but that just made me want to stone at the water...Didnt see anything outta the ordinary but got somewhat good shots of a few of the regular critters and a lil bit of the landscape... Pretty flower, thats its scientific name...I swear
Apparently dragonflies dont like erm, flying in the rain
This one practically posed for the shot, landed right in front of me
Dead mantis, woulda been cool if it was alive though
This stream's got lotsa fish and is kinda creepy...Maybe the bridge to terebithia is down there somewhere, just maybe...
Random Halyconia, they pop up randomly in the forest...they're just nice
Totally stoneable drainage channel, that crumbly part crumbled when I was walking past...sounded like someone taking a shit
3:30 PM
Some people have real problems, but mine are not those 'loser friendly' ones which you can deal with by talking or whatever the fuck; because they're frankly...Total wastes of freaking time and out of my hands. Since I feel like shit all the time I dealt by doing something of atleast some good...So I volunteered at the SPCA...I have to say it was better than I thought and I feel fucking great when I'm there (maybe even more than when I'm with my friends)...Helping to take care of the animals and all just feels great to me...I had time to snap some shots after all the work was done which was simple, fast and slightly sweat inducing but overall pretty damn satisfying to do...I still spent about 2-3 hours just playing with the animals there and pampering them with some attention...I really wanna go more often man, I'm starting to feel damn screwy and weird when I'am not there...Quite a few got adopted out by the next time I came back which was pretty good...There are few buggers there I've really taken to, here are some of the ones I managed to take somewhat good photos of Tigger and Hachiko damn rowdy, they'll wrestle till one cries (just like real kids)
Theo, my favourite also rowdy, her cage is right next to Tigger and Hachiko's
Some emo-anti social cat who likes people but doesnt like other cats
Another random cat who just lepaked on my lap outta nowhere
Romeo, another one of my favourites fun to play with but very rough, he'll even grab you with his front paws and mouth to stop you from leaving
Yeah another picture of Theo, wish I could take her home...Shtupid HDB regulations, hope she gets a good home though
2:45 PM