Oh so bored...okay heres some random screwed up english...'Differents' meaning?....Nooooooooooooooooooooo.....
Just like 'Reals' my arse...A fake rate would know thats a fake rat...
9:15 PM
Being stuck at home, having nothing but time to yourself…You start thinking about many things…I’ve been thinking about whats important…If you ask most people they’ll say, love, money, faith, happiness and so on…But if you think about it, most people don’t know whats important to them…What forms that fundamental core inside each person…Because if everyone knew what was important to them or their cause, they wouldn’t flail about choosing and deciding …They would just do…Too many people have ruined their lives falling apart making the wrong decisions, even more have lost everything for feelings of few and far betweens…I feel sorry for these people, doing what they do for that little hint of satisfaction every once in awhile…But there are also people who seem miserable doing what they do, putting their heart and soul into what they do everyday …They just seem wasted and pathetic don’t they?...Ah, but wait, are they really?...Some of these are the very people who know what exactly is important…And usually thats their dream and their love for that dream, these people are the ones who’ve got it right, they push themselves hard when no ones looking and many times what comes to fruition is something truly amazing. Still, its comparably easy to choose between ‘things’ and ‘ideals’, as these things are redefined by each and every person…Very much like when some people say “love is powerful” and yet some say “love hurts”, being able to define whats important is a powerful tool, it can sometimes be the difference between life and death…But people?, that’s a whole other hornets nest…How is one to determine, let alone decide on who in their lives, is or are truly important?...No one can read minds and no one wants to run around like a chicken with its head cut off, looking for people to love or like them…The only way is to take your time and simply observe the people in your life …People who ‘look’ for you, like when an old friend who calls just to have a chat…People who help and give without even you asking or saying anything…People who simply know when theres something, anything, going on with you…People who feel as hurt as you do, when they’ve wronged you…People who're just there for you all the time...These are the people who are important, simply because you are important to them…Though it still boils down to whats important to you…Excuse the cliché but these people have the ability to save your life without even knowing it, and the only thing more powerful than this, is being an important person in someone elses life…Unselfish importance is whats lacking nowadays, everyone has his or her own agenda, but remember never to sell yourself short just because someone elses goals seem more…Important…
1:55 PM
Alright, I’m really bored so, I’m gonna review 3 good movies I watched recently…
This movie is one of the better sci-fi thrillers I’ve watched. It about a group of scientists sent out to space, to kick start the sun; because it’s dieing, plunging planet earth into kind of a ice age. The crew of the Icarus II are its last hope. Well, this movie really shows that shit can go wrong without giant space battles and aliens. Just imagine Apollo 13 with a little more grit, realism and a big dose of the human condition. It brings to light the true meaning of sacrifice whether it’s a person giving his life or sacrificing the few for the sake of the many. It also brings to light the ideals and conflict between science and religion. The mysterious survivor of an ill fated expedition, sent for the same purpose as the one in this movies’ timeline shows how a person will and can sacrifice everything for what they believe in or what they perceive is right. Sunshine, is a great movie for anyone who likes an engaging edgy story coupled with the eye candy of sci-fi.Cashback
This one’s interesting. It’s about Ben, who breaks up with his first real girl friend and finds himself having sleepless nights because of it. To get over the monotony of his now longer days, he decides to get a job at a department store. He goes into a world where time stops, as he daydreams and ponders the meaning of love, beauty and the torture of time. Besides the obvious, clichés of nudity in art, this movie captures the fascination of everyone with beauty. As, the main character ‘freezes’ the world around him you begin to see why the wise always say “Take the time to stop and smell the roses”. We see the beauty of still life and only then can you see why, the stupidity of demonizing art when it tries to show the purity of human beauty. This movie showcases the uneasiness we all feel when trying to bring someone to your state of mind, your world and how naked we all feel. Cashback is a great movie to watch, a romantic comedy, if you will, if you don’t mind more than a little nakedness, taboo and a less than conventional insight to life.Reign Over Me
This movie will pull at you from the start. It’s about a man who meets an old college friend, who’s lost his wife and daughters during the 9-11 terror attacks. At first I thought this would be another depressing movie about terrorists destroying lives, but it turned out to be way more. Alan seems to have everything but a life outside his family, while Charlie has everything but a family. Both charters hit it off, hanging out and doing regular things friends do. But it soon comes to light that, Charlie is very disturbed, lashing out at Alan every time he mentions Charlie’s family. Slowly, Charlie begins to open up, giving Alan brief glimpses into his sad, angry and confused mind. The loss Charlie feels is tangible as he distracts himself with, video games and running away from the pain he feels through the music he listens to; like we so often do ourselves. But he hangs on to that one memory of his wife, whose last words to him were of remodeling the kitchen and so; he hangs on to that memory my constantly remodeling that kitchen. Goes to show how people deal with loss; how we do certain things no matter how wasteful or insane, just to keep that one memory alive. Like its title, the movie puts forward how letting someone in, letting someone take over some of the pain, can help people move on and rediscover themselves. This movie is for anyone who likes a meaningful uplifting story that will pull at you heartstrings. And the cover done by Pearl Jam for the song ‘Love Reign O’er Me’ is killer, it’s at the end of the movie. P.S. Someone please...Battle boredom with me...
11:20 PM
Okay, I’ve finally decided to get around to doing this…I’m not gonna tag anyone else cause no one listens to me…So here goes…10 weird things about me…
(1) I’m random, I really can’t explain it; things just link up in my head, even if its barely associated…
(2) Water makes me zone out...Completely...
(3) My hands and fingers spasm and do weird, awkward shit when I’m asleep, enough to wake me sometimes.
(4) I think the best kinda weather is just after its rained
(5) I get creeped and do awkward ‘maneuvers’ if I even assume there’s a bee, wasp or hornet nearby.
(6) I sometimes use the analogy that, I’d rather face a cobra than deal with people.
(7) I come up with stupid analogies.
(8) I tend to talk bout my dad a lot.
(9) I tend to repeat myself…I also tend to repeat myself.
(10) I have an affinity for adventure, risk taking and just down right dangerous stuff.
P.S. I know this is gonna bite me in the ass.
9:10 PM
Blam!!...2 more weeks till the term ends...Frankly I'm only gonna miss some people, cause I know I'm defintely gonna see alotta of them during the holidays....Woohoo holidays...Ehhh, National Day...who cares...No really...Who does...Just sucks that I couldnt go for Singfest...Dammit...Annnndddd lastly...
3:20 PM