Dammit, it sucks to be sick man...Feel so weak, pathetic and not to mention the bad breath *gags*...Well, at least my regiment of drinking packet bandung all day seems to soothe the throat...And I realized one thing, listening to 'My Love' by Justin Timberlake all day seems to have a theraputic effect on me...A good song to stone to, and I can REALLY day dream...With my fantastical imgination and all...Hmmm, I wish I had a lava lamp and a big old marine fishtank...Yeah, I could really zone out with that stuff...Or maybe a lava lamp IN a marine aquarium...Ahhh, now thats STONERIFIC...No sickness can stand in the way of my random fantasticular mind....Ooooo, my kidneys hurt ouch, ouch, ouch...*Zones out*...................................No seriously is hurts!....Crap, I think I'm gonna...*Passes out*..........
11:10 PM
Why do bad things happen when I'm in the best of moods? And why do I always see it coming?...This sucks...I gotta figure this out...Happiness is just not enough anymore...
6:30 PM
My friend and I went to Mac Ritchie to do some exploring/trekking to see if we could catch anything interesting. But the weather threatened and delivered, cuz it rained the moment we stepped off the bus...We waited awhile and the weather let up pretty quickly...We checked out the side of the reservoir nearer to the private estate 1st...The weather was still shitty so we mainly saw bigger stuff like 2-3 meter long monitor lizards wading in the water and lots of bugs...We headed of of the first trail to grab a bite at the cafe there...On the way out i saw this old guy walking his cocker spaniel, so I went to pat the feller ah..Funny sia the owner...All of a sudden he was like "He's all yours..." and gave me its leash, I was like "Okay!"...We then started chatting bout the stuff we had seen in the reservoir..He also told us that he was from Malaysia and that he was pilot...Reminded me of Mr Sim man!..Though his name was Colin, the dog had a rather unique name though..'Rocher', as in the the chocolate..Hahaha, cute seh...Oh, yeah on the way out of the 1st trail my idiotic/sick friend decide to catch this huge forest ant, this thing was like the size of a hornet man..Gave me bloody chills ah, the colour and the size of its bloody jaws *shiver spasm*..Eeeeee...But my idiotic/sick friend decided to let it go (thank god)..When I managed to catch him a baby skink (forgot to take pictures..oops)...And I think I got a knack for finding crabs man!..I found a freakin fresh water crab in a pool in the forest, I've seriously NEVER seen a wild fresh water one lah...What the hell...So, here are the better pictures; no pictures of the monitors though..Camera shy..More like "Come close and I'll swim away" shy..Shtupid fellers...There are also some other random animals we saw… This was at mid-afternoon...Thats how bad the bloody weather was...
Still a nice view though..
Can you spot the frog?
The Freaky Ant!
Damn fake looking man...Feller still scares me..Eee..
Wanna millipede on stick?
Though, I wouldnt reccomend it...Without some Mayo..Hehehe
Oooo look at the pretty caterpillar...But this feller can give a helluva rash man...
Crabs again!
Yuck!, theres a piece of crab on my shirt...Hehehe
Darn crabs like me too much, this one didnt wanna let go..Crabs man, what the hell...
5:55 PM
MY PRECIOUS....Muhuhahahahahahaifhgegfyewgifbewigf
4:30 PM