Wow...Thats all I can say man...I had the most quaint and pleasant dream I've ever had in ages boy..Its starts with Me, Pat and Azlan all lookin out the window of my room...We see Anoop and Roh in the parking lot behind my house and Anoop's car...Some half-BMW, half-Humvee..Nice!...We 'teleport' to Fairy Point Changi Chalet 2....Only, its a little...'Drifferent'...I'm helping Pat unload some Kyayaks from the back of his...SUV!...HolyS*** right?...Must be his Lexus x300...Anyways, the dreams skips again, to me playing with this dinner table-sized remote controlled boat...Belongs to Anoop, cause I can hear him still speaking in that accent, teaching me the controls...I notice that the beach front is like...15 meters infront of the bungalow now, no board walk, no slope, no trees just a very small sandy stretch...I turn around to face the house, I see some parents talking in the house and near the entrance...At this point I get hugs from Grace and Sham...Apparently I've not seen them for some time...And they're still with Rayson and Prahbu (respectively)...I also see Pat and Sam near the front of the house chatting, Azlan and Yana nearby...Azlan is laughing, OMG that laugh is still the same...I'm just whatchin all the activity and feeling the warm sun...Everything and everyone seems older somehow...I hear some generic voice saying that my girlfriend (surprise, surprise) has already brought our stuff up to the room...And...That Grace and Rayson are planning to get engaged...WHAT THE!(no surprise there)...The dream fades out just then; as I watch everyone mingling and laughing...By far one of the best, not to mention vivid dreams I've ever had...What a dream man...What a dream...
11:45 PM
Aite, since I said I would...I'll post about my little trip to Serangoon North last Sunday to buy desertsand...And all the wonderful birds we saw...Please ah real ones ah, as in with, wings and beaks...So...Err, here they are...Sunbird: "Whatcha lookin at punk!?"
Birds: "Hey maybe if we stare pathetically outside long enough, they'll let us go!"
Black Toucan to Yellow Toucan: "Honey, why is that wierd animal taking pictures of us?"
Toucan: "Hmmm, I don't know...I think this angle makes me look fat"
Toucan: "How'd ya like me now!?"
*Cue Prison Break Music*
Macaw: "Ehhh, this life's just a pile of seeds!"
Macaw: "Wazup my nigga?!"
What happens when a crow decides to go all Michael Jackson on itself!
Cockatoo: "Hey!, you mess with the fro...You gotta go!"
Green Parrot: "Oooo, shiny penny on the floor!"
Green Parrot: "Ohhh, yeaahh...Lower, lowerrr....Thats the spot, ahhhh"
1:00 AM
I'm feeling bored and random right now, no one to talk to and nothing better to do so...Here are some random pictures of random things ah... When Dad refuses to get you that High Defintion Plasma TV
So...Is it an automatic door or does it 'keeps' people's hands away?
For god's sake...How much 'works' can one man do!?...Sheesh!
11:15 PM
Today on the National Geographi-Vik Channel...
One of the plants I have finally bloomed, looks quite nice...Its the only interesting thing that happened today anyway, so, here are some pics...I'm not really sure what kind plant it is ah, anyone who has idea tag it please....
Forgive the quality, had no choice but to use the flash cause these flowers only bloom in the evening; lowlight...This is like the development of the flower from the first bud I saw lah.... I feel like I'm doing another science project...Stupid bo liao-isms...I'll do more interesting stuff soon ah...Maybe with some 'proper' animals next time...hahahahahah...
1:20 AM
The shit just hit the fan for me, people were vauge on what was needed of me and still got angry when I tried to make other plans...But thats okay...I'm now needed by the people around me more than ever...Decisions to make, old problems to face and duties to fulfill...All this on top of my now apparent food poisoning...Motherf...I'm too fragmented...I gotta get my head straight and screwed on tight...I need to go somewhere I can think...
P.S. For the record, I'm not emoing...
11:40 PM
Okay, The National Geographvik Channel, its a twist on the National Geographic Channel, in case anyone didnt know...This is what I;m gonna call it whenever i go on my 'Expeditions' P.S. The Great Outdoors...
I went exploring today, well not really exploring ah...More like looking for stuff to catch like snakes, frogs and anything else thats err...Interesting...Thats what I usually do anyways...
Alright, here are some pictures...please forgive their uninteresting-ness... Just some interesting looking grasshopper, which landed on my hand
A side view, notice how its very flat compared to the common grasshoppers
I like this shot cause you can see the Sun's rays, quite nice
This pool is actually knee deep...I found that out the hard way
Another shot of the sun reflecting off the water...I like it
The Never Ending Stream...Water flows here all day, everyday man
Just to show that the water is actually flows
The source of that stream...
Thats how lush and deep this forest is...
Shot of how much more forest there still is to explore and the beautiful rays of sun light...
5:50 PM
This is how the day started..
Slept at 4 in the AM and woke at 9, rushed to bathem didnt take my breafast, chiong all the way to S-11 near Tampines library to get stupid crickets and feeder fish, 5 minutes after I come back my aunt tells me to pick up the tofu sambal she made specially for me and the 3 of them, I quickly swept the room cause I know Sham will transform in to Mala and start cleaning if the room isnt clean...By then its like 11:40 1 I get a call from Ray saying they're at Sembawang buying noodles and stuff (they were supposed to be in Tampines by 1), I "Okaaaay" him and say I'm fine with it, cause I'm such a nice guy right?...I know, I know...So By the time they reach the bus stop its like 2 smthn already...
So after meeting them I decided that I wanted to check some stuff out in TM...We checked out the pet shop, which was a freakin waste of time and then we went to Toys R' Us cause Toys Are' Me too (stupid joke)..fooled around with the stuff, I was also dragged in to posing with a lightsaber..Hey, any guy who sees a lightsaber Will pick it up, its a known fact.. The one thing better to a guy than having a girlfriend is being a Jedi...Or being a Jedi and having a girlfriend...To me anyway...I'm being random, okay back to the story...
We left TM after 'TRU' (Toys R' Us...See Grace, I also can short form) ...Got home, settled down and immediately with the blogging..Woo these girls really work hard man...Ray got in to my collection of military books, I think he could have sat there the whole day just reading those books ah...I started 'Demoing' my X-box games, think I showed them almost every game ah...Ray and I were like critisizing each game man, like for one Ray said " The cliffs and all that, not very nice ah, but the graphics for the water is really good"...Haha...Sham decided to play with the rabbit for a while..I let her try, then finally let her take a photo with it....My rabbit's name is Martha by the way, she was rescued after being abandoned in the wild for sometime, so she's a little crazy ah...Sometime after that, while Sham was using the com I put the rabbit behind her, on the chair she was sitting on, without even turning around to see what it is she jumped up and started screaming ...Scardey cat!....Hahahahahaahahaha...I also decided to show the 3 of them my frog eating a cricket..It was funny to see Grace and Sham run way when I go to open the tank...Hahahaha
We ate at around 4...They liked the tofu sambal...Though Sham decided to eat cup noodles 1st, then proceeded to talk on the phone right after that...After her little conversation, She got her rice and I went to heat it up with the microwave, one random thing happened...As I was keying in the digits, one 'arm' on my glasses just came out from the tape holding it in, then the other end just swung down and hung around my nose...The others saw this and started laughing lah...What the...
After eating, Ray and I started channel surfing and ended up watching this show on building demolition...Grace was helping ray with his blog now, cause Sham and her were done with mine...Sham found a nice spot between my double-decker and the cupboard in my room, for some chatting-isms on the phone...I started poking my head out saying "So..." and at one point she kept saying "No" to whoever was on the phone and I was like " Shhhh"...Her last phone call was interesting though, cause after the call ended she let out this long sigh....Someone's love stoned eh?...Hehehehehe...Again I decided to feed my frog, so I got a whole bunch of crickets and threw them in to the tank, the moment my frog saw my hand, he jumped up and out of the tank and started to trying to swallow my finger...Shtupid feller...Grace saw this a freaked the hell out, while I was laughing at my shtupid frog...Hahahahahahahah, How can my agents be afraid of frogs?...Hehehe...I then allowed Sham to mess with my hair, cause it was long and style -less...The results were even worse looking spikey hair and alot of wax on my hair...Probably would've caught on fire if there was an open flame man....
Walked the guys to the bus stop after watching some 'Trigger Happy TV'...On the way there, I spotted the 'Legendary Pinky Car', I've been telling Sham about.....Hahaha, its no urban legend its really exists....Sham proceeded to paparazzi the car...Then near the bus stop...We all got a dose of the ever so funny Grace-ism...She asked if we needed to cross the overhead-bridge, but it came out "Over-H-Bridge" she short formed the Head man!...Hahahahahahahaha Oink with Berts
They both have the "I dont know what I'm doing" look
Undercover agents
Awww...Look at Ray's face..Shy boy
Shtupid feller, Shtupid pose
Martha hanging out 'On' Sham
Sham's phone convo corner
Hardworking peoples.....Argh! Snakes In a Room!
Shiny happy people..In bad lighting...Hehe
Agents, 007 and Kim
Oink and the REAL Bert
Kim and 'Anonymous Superior Officer' reporting in +Grace's kong arm
Aftermath!..Its was way worse than it looks, my poor butchered hair...
The lengendary Pinky Car!
Pink grill and even pink 'eye shadow' for the headlights
I assume this is called a 'Strawberry Shortcake' that thing in her arms looks like a cat-pig hybrid...eeeee *shivers*
Just to show its INTENDED to be a pinky car...Errr, okaaaay!
P.S. Better days are here!
3:40 PM